January 31, 2015

Solar Panels and Sketch Pens. #SocialworkSaturday

We weren't ready!! Candid group photo of some participants 
        After a close to a month long hiatus from blogging and with people asking me what I was going to write next I decided it was finally time to sit down and write a post. Sorry guys! Anyway, lets get down to it. 

January 18, 2015

Books, Food and Truck Loads of Fun #LitforLife2015

What might this be? Pass/brochure for the Lit for Life 2015 

     Post Pongal literature fest is just what every book lover in Chennai looks forward to in January. The Hindu Lit for Life 2015 was a mix of utopian ideas, profound philosophy and great sense of humour. Read on for more on the festival. 

January 11, 2015

*phew* I'm home! #indiSpireSunday

     In my previous post I wrote about how chivalry is almost non-existent these days and how men felt emasculated if a woman driver over took them on the road. (For more on the post click on the Link) This post is a narration of an incident which I think many women drivers might have been through.

January 09, 2015

Knight-in-shining-Who? #ischivalrydead

    Recently I read a post by an avid blogger on "How to get a Girlfriend" which on the whole got the quintessential formula right. Well almost. It isn't rocket science to land a girl. Really! I thought the post had listed almost everything required to make the cut but missed something that would ultimately become the deciding factor. Read on....

January 08, 2015

Van der Wrote - Van der Won! #collegediaries

      Its 10 o'clock and I woke up to an email that made my day! +Arti S Thank you so much for getting me to write that post for #collegediaries. I am absolutely elated about winning and big congratulations to Sushmita who tied with me. Her post MBE 2013-2015 was downright adorable (click on the link to read her entry http://welcome-to-my-confused-world.blogspot.in/2014/12/mbe-2013-2015.html
I think she probably spent a good amount of time getting the collage together. Congrats to everyone else who took part. I think writing a post and being confident enough to enter it is an achievement on its own.

Congrats to Sagarika and Tennyson, check out their posts 
In Memoriam and The college days at UCC. Now I'm thinking I competed with some really seasoned bloggers. Woah! 

To read my entry - Our tryst with Death, click on the link below:

Thank you for the support and keep coming back for more posts. Subscribe to Van der Wrote by clicking on the links in the sidebar. If you liked 'Our Tryst with Death' don't forget to +1 and share.

The first week of 2015 is almost up and TGIF! Hope y'all are having a great year. 
And that's a wrap!